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IWF International Buyers’ Banquet

The IWF International Buyers’ Banquet launches as a pivotal event designed to strengthen the connections between buyers worldwide. This gathering merges networking opportunities and insightful discussions into a cohesive, purpose-driven event.


Central to the event is a delectable dinner, carefully crafted to offer a selection of exquisite dishes  complemented by exciting band performances.


The banquet offers an informal setting for networking, different from the conventional constraints found in conferences or meetings. This relaxed atmosphere fosters easy conversations and nurtures connections in a comfortable and sociable environment.



Should you with to attend this banquet, kindly reach out to us at iwf@donnor.com . Join us as we toast to the possibilities of the future, surrounded by the elegance of the present!

Feb. 29 - Mar. 2, 2024

Shanghai New International Expo Center

The 11th SHANGHAI Health, Wellness, Fitness Expo

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